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Ayurvedic Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment

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What is Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)?

Each organ of your body works for each other like your kidneys filter blood and heart pumps blood to every organ of your body. Therefore the health of your body depends upon your kidney's fitness. If there is any tampering to your kidneys, then it can affect the functioning of your body.

Today we are going to talk about chronic kidney disease or CKD. Chronic kidney disease means that your kidneys are suffering from any disorder from a longer period. CKD is also known as chronic kidney failure. In this disorder, there is a gradual loss of kidney function. Your kidneys perform many crucial functions for your body. Some of the functions of your kidneys are mentioned below:

  • Filter out toxins and excess fluid from your bloodstream
  • Helps in maintaining bone and muscle health
  • Forms urine
  • Generates some hormones that can help your body in the production of red blood cells
  • Maintain an exact balance of electrolytes present inside your kidneys

If any of the above-mentioned functions are influenced by any disorder, then this disease occurs. When chronic kidney disorder reaches the advanced stage, then the dangerous levels of fluid, electrolytes, and waste accumulates that can prove hazardous for your kidneys. You may face many health-related obstacles that can occur due to the accumulation of waste products. We will discuss health complications caused by this disorder, further in this article.

Before that, we have to understand the kidney failure or chronic kidney disorder never occur all at once. These are dispersing in several stages and every stage has its own signs and treatment. For the appropriate treatment of this health condition, you have to be aware of the stages of chronic kidney disease. Your doctor also recommends some tests that will determine the stage of this disorder. The stage of CKD or chronic kidney disorder usually signifies the functioning of your kidneys.

The functioning of your kidneys is usually determined by the GFR or Glomerular filtration rate that measures the finest functions of your kidneys.GFR is a numeric term that unveils the condition of your kidneys. Higher the GFR number, higher the functioning of your kidneys and lower the GFR number, then it means your kidney's functions decreases. When the doctor calculates GFR, then he often considers the patient's age, gender, and other factors. In the initial stages of CKD, there are no visible symptoms, but when it reaches in advance stage, then you may see many symptoms of CKD, that we are going to discuss further in this article.

What are the symptoms of CKD?

In the initial stages of chronic kidney disease, there are no visible symptoms at all, but when it reaches in a further stage without any treatment, then some symptoms may arise that are as follows:

  • Nausea - It is a nonspecific symptom of kidney disorder. It means these symptoms can also arise for other reasons. Some of the common causes of having nausea are gastroenteritis and motion sickness, dizziness, fainting, motion sickness, and low blood pressure.
  • Vomiting - Vomiting is the most common symptom of having chronic kidney diseases. These causes include the buildup of uremic toxins, meditations, ulcers, gall bladder disorder, and many more.
  • Poor appetite - Poor appetite occurs when you have a reduced desire to eat something. The medical term for poor appetite is also known as anorexia. This disorder ranges from mental and physical illness.
  • Fatigue and weakness - It is a symptom of having many renal disorders. Sometimes it becomes difficult to describe this health condition, and they use words like lethargic, exhausted, and tired. There are several causes of fatigue like anemia, thyroid, heart disease, and sleep disorders.
  • Sleep problems - If you are a kidney patient, then you may feel asleep. Your physical health and mental health can also contribute to sleeping disorder.
  • Changes in how much you urinate - When there is a change in the frequency of urine changes that indicate chronic kidney disease. You may feel more urge to urinate, especially at night. You may also see bubbles and blood in your urine.
  • Decreased mental sharpness - It is the most common symptom of kidney failure. This is a mental state that is also known as confusion and restlessness. Usually, it is not specified to kidney disorder.
  • Muscle twitches and cramps - CKD also reduces the ability to fight from severe infections. Damage to the muscles can also cause muscle twitches, muscle cramps, weakness, cramps, and in some cases, pain.
  • Swelling of feet and ankles - When you have a chronic kidney disorder, then extra fluid and sodium buildup in your bloodstream that may cause edema. In most of the cases, edema is associated with kidney disease, and usually, it occurs in your legs, feet, ankles, and around your eyes.
  • Persistent itching - Itching is also known as the common symptom in chronic kidney patients. Overall, more than 60% of chronic kidney patients are facing this symptom.
  • Chest pain - If the fluid buildup around the lining of the heart and lungs, which can cause shortness of breath.
  • High blood pressure - It is also known as hypertension. Usually, high blood pressure is difficult to control. Don't take any Ayurvedic medicines for controlling high blood pressure because you have to consume these medicines for a longer time.

These signs and symptoms of a kidney disorder are not specified to kidney disorders because these disorders are also caused by other illnesses.

What are the Causes of chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease is the condition when a disorder or condition impairs your kidney's functions. This disorder indeed develops over several months or years. But can occur due to some causes. Diseases and other health conditions that can cause chronic kidney disease include:

  • Both types of diabetes - Diabetes is the leading reason for having a chronic kidney disorder. Both types of diabetes can harm your kidneys and also cause this disorder. According to some research, it is estimated that 415 million people are suffering from diabetes. It damages small blood vessels throughout the body and also affects your kidneys as well. It also attacks your skin, nerves, muscles, intestines, and heart. Diabetes can also lead to heart disease and eye disorders.
  • High blood pressure - High blood pressure is also one of the major causes of having this disorder. In fact, most CKD patients are experiencing high blood pressure. If you are taking too much stress or not indulging in any physical activity, then you may have a chance of having high blood pressure. In this health condition, the extra amount of force exerts by the blood on your blood vessels present inside your kidneys.
  • Glomerulonephritis - It is a group of disorders that may injure the part of your kidney that is responsible for the filtration process. Glomeruli are the essential part of your kidney that got injured by the group of severe disorders. When these parts get affected, it cannot get rid of wastes and extra fluids from your body. If the illness continues, then you may face an extreme level of inflammation of the glomeruli.
  • Interstitial nephritis - It is an inflammation that occurs on your kidney's tubules and surrounding structures.
  • Polycystic kidney disease - It is a genetic disorder, in which there is the formation of fluid-filled cysts on your kidneys. In this disorder, there is the formation of multiple cysts on your kidneys and can harm your kidneys. Usually, it is non-cancerous in nature, but sometimes, these cysts get filled with blood that can be hazardous for your kidneys. There is no permanent cure for this disorder in allopathy.
  • Prolonged obstruction of the urinary tract - A blockage of the urinary tract from your kidneys. This blockage of urinary flow can exert pressure inside the urinary tract, and also slows down the flow of urine. Renal obstructions may occur suddenly or can develop over some days, weeks, or even months. Kidney stones can cause urinary obstruction.
  • Vesicoureteral reflux - It is a condition of your body when the flow of urine goes in the wrong way. This condition is more common among infants and younger children. Urine is a liquid waste product of your body that travels down from your kidneys.
  • Pyelonephritis - It is an inflammation of your kidneys. Most of the time it is caused due to bacterial infections. Nausea, burning with urination, frequent urination, fever, and flank tenderness are some of the signs of this disorder.

These are some of the main causes of having chronic kidney disease. It is crucial for you to for the appropriate treatment of this health condition. For that purpose, you have to consult from a specialized doctor or Ayurvedic nephrologist to get complete renal treatment.

Stages of chronic kidney disease

You have to understand that chronic kidney disorder never befalls once at all. Chronic kidney disorder means that any disorder that is affecting your kidneys or its functioning for an extended period. In this disorder, your kidneys lose their functions in 5 stages, which ranges from stage 1 (kidney functions well) to stage 5 (kidneys are near failure).

Basically, these stages of the chronic kidney are based on how well your kidneys are working. In the initial stages of this disorder, you may have few symptoms or sometimes no indications are there. If your doctor may find any symptom in your body, then they may suggest you go for GFR or Glomerular Filtration Rate test. This test may help your doctor to determine how well your kidneys are working and removing toxins from your blood. If the GFR is higher than your kidneys are working well, and vice-versa. The stages of chronic disorder are as follows:

Stage 1 | GFR is 90 or higher

This stage is also known as the early stage of chronic kidney disorder. In this stage, your GFR is normally higher than 90 that means your kidneys are working well and also give the warning to control your diet and change your daily routine. Apart from the presence of protein in your urine, there is no other symptom of this stage. If you facing stage 1 CKD, then it is a better idea to learn about things to keep your kidneys healthy.

Stage 2 | GFR ranges from 60-89

This stage of chronic kidney disorder shows reduced kidney functions. At this stage, your GFR ranges from 60 to 89. This stage of kidney disorder means that your kidneys are facing mild damage to your kidneys. The occurrence of protein in your urine is the only symptom of this disorder. At this stage, your doctor may recommend some medicines to control other health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes.

Stage 3 | GFR is between 30 and 59

This stage is a little-bitty dangerous condition of your kidneys. If your GFR is closer to 44, then your doctor will continue to monitor and observe the functioning of your kidneys. Apart from this, they also increase the efforts to treat blood pressure and other causes of this disorder.

Stage 4 | GFR 15-29

If you enter CKD stage 4, then you may begin feeling unwell and may notice some symptoms of this disorder. Your doctor may suggest you go for dialysis or renal transplant surgery to treat this stage of CKD. Apart from these allopathy treatments, you can choose Ayurveda to treat any stage of kidney disease. Swelling in some organs of your body, vomiting, puffiness around your eyes are the common symptoms of having stage 4 CKD.

Stage 5 | GFR is Less 15

In stage 5 kidney disease, your GFR is less than 15. At this level, your kidneys lose all its functionality to perform its natural functions. This stage is also known as the final stage before kidney failure.

Risk Factors of CKD

Several factors may increase the risk of having a chronic kidney disorder. We are going to tell you about these risk factors of CKD that are mentioned below:

  • Diabetes - It is also known as diabetes mellitus. It is one of the main causes or risk factors of chronic kidney disease. In this disorder, your body does not make enough insulin or cannot use insulin present inside your body. Insulin is a hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in your blood. High blood glucose levels can also lead to several disorders, but most importantly people with diabetes are at greater risk of having the renal disorder.
  • High blood pressure - Individuals having high blood pressure are also a higher risk of having chronic kidney disorders. In this disorder, your blood exerts pressure on the blood vessels of your body. You have to just make some dietary and routine changes for controlling your blood pressure level.
  • Heart and blood vessel disease - If you are a heart patient, then there is a higher chance of having a chronic kidney disorder. When you are having any kind of renal disorder, then your heart may not appropriately pump the blood to other organ of your body. This may cause pressure buildup in the main vein connected to your kidneys that may lead to a blockage in the supply of oxygen-rich blood.
  • Smoking - According to world health organization smoking can cause lung cancer, bladder cancer, mouth cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, kidney cancer, & early menopause. All these disorders are life-threatening therefore you should avoid smoking.
  • Obesity - It is a major risk factor for the development of chronic kidney disorder. The rise in the level of intraglomerular pressure can damage the structure of your kidneys and also increase the risk of having a chronic kidney disorder. You can reduce the progression of chronic kidney disorder by maintaining a healthy balance.
  • Family history of kidney disease - If anyone in your family member has CKD, and are on dialysis or have a kidney transplant, then you are also at a higher risk of having the renal disorder. A polycystic kidney disorder is one of the gentic disorders in which fluid-filled cysts formed on the kidney tissue. Diabetes and high blood pressure is also a genetic disorder, and also recognized as the common cause of renal disorder.
  • Abnormal kidney structure - In chronic kidney disease, your kidneys become unable to filter out toxins from your blood fluently. If there is any change in the kidney structure, then also CKD occurs. For example, kidney atrophy is the condition of your kidneys when they got shrunk. This shrinkage of kidney disorder may be caused due to kidney stones, loss of blood flow to your kidneys, and dehydration.
  • Older age - Kidney disorder can develop any time, but people whose age is over 60 are more likely to develop renal disorders. Therefore age plays a crucial role in chronic kidneys disorder. Many people don't recognize that as you age, you may lose the functioning of your kidneys.

How to prevent from chronic kidney disease (CKD)?

You are more likely to have chronic kidney disease if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disorder, and a family history of renal disorder. You can prevent your kidneys by preventing or managing health conditions that cause renal damage, such as diabetes and hypertension. The first step is that you have to consult from a specialized doctor if you feel any symptom of CKD. The following are some of the ways from which you can prevent your kidneys from being damaged.

Consume healthy food - Choosing food wisely is one of the essential aspects of the prevention of kidney disorders. You can choose fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free dairy products. You have to cut back from consuming sodium; you can take 2,300 milligrams of sodium in a day. You can also replace normal salt from rock salt or another seasoning. The following are some of the points that can help you in choosing food items sensibly.

  • Consume low-fat or fat-free dairy product
  • Try to boil chicken and fish instead of frying them.
  • Reading the label of food products can prove beneficial in choosing low saturated, low cholesterol food items.
  • Reduce the intake of protein-rich food items
  • You can consult from a dietician about the preparation of food items
  • Try to make food at home in place of dining out.

Do exercise but avoid vigorous exercise

Any kind of physical exercise is good for your kidneys and health as well, but when you have a kidney disorder, then you have to restrict your regular exercise. Try to avoid strenuous exercise as this can increase your creatinine level in your blood. You can be active for 30 minutes or more on most of the days.

Maintain a healthy weight

If you are obese, then it is compulsory for you to reduce your body weight, because it plays a significant role in the health of your kidneys. If you are overweight, then your kidneys have to work more for executing their functions normally. Therefore, you have to control your body weight through exercise and diet. You can also consult your health care provider for the preparation of a proper diet plan to reduce your body weight naturally.

Getting enough sleep can improve your kidney's health

Your daily routine is responsible for late-night sleep. Drinking coffee, using phones, and watching television at late night is responsible for not having enough sleep. You have to aim for 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night that can be very helpful for you and your kidneys.

Quit smoking

If you smoke often or consume tobacco products, then you have to quit smoking and using these products. Consuming these products can force your kidneys to perform more for their functions, and may create obstacles in the proper functioning of your kidneys.

Limit alcohol intake

Consuming too much alcohol can increase your blood pressure level, and can add extra unwanted calories that can lead to weight gain. If you drink more commonly, then try to limit the consumption of alcohol.

Try to reduce your stress level

You have to learn how to manage stress. Try to do whatever makes you feel better, and you can also go for meditation, yoga, or any other stress relief activity.

Manage the causes of chronic kidney disorder

The best prevention of this disorder is to manage the causes of kidney disorder. You have to manage your blood pressure and glucose level by controlling your diet and regular exercise.

What is the Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease?

When you reach your doctor, he may discuss some points like your age, any other disorder, and a family history of kidney disorder with you. Your doctor might ask questions whether you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure or hypertension. He may also ask about the medicines you are taking for the treatment of some other illness because some medicines are there that can harm your kidney's condition. If you have noticed any change in the frequency and color of your urine. If anyone in your family is having a kidney disorder, then also you may have the risk of having this disorder. That's why your doctor may ask you about the family history of kidney disorder. Your doctor may perform a physical exam like identification of the swelling in some parts of your body especially in legs and puffiness around your eyes. They may also check some symptoms that may occur due to severe disorders or problems with your heart or blood vessels.

For the diagnosis of chronic kidney disorder, you may also need to undergo certain tests such as:

Blood tests - a Blood test is the most common test that is advised by the doctors for the diagnosis of this disorder. In this test, your blood sample is collected by the lab technician and is diagnosed to check the level of waste products such as creatinine and urea, in your blood. These are the waste products of your body that must be eliminated by your healthy kidneys. If these toxins found in your blood, then it means your kidneys are not functioning well.

Urine tests - A urine sample is collected by the lab technician to check the abnormalities in your urine. They analyze the sample of your urine and may reveal the problems in your urine like the presence of protein.

Imaging tests - Your doctor may advise you on some imaging tests to unveil any abnormality in the size and structure of your kidneys. Ultrasound, x-ray, CT scan, and MRI are used to make the rough image of your kidneys. CT scan and MRI can give a clear view of any structural change of your kidneys.

Kidney biopsy - If the above-mentioned tests are not able to unveil the abnormalities of your kidneys, then your doctor may advise you to go for a kidney biopsy. It is the test in which a sample of your kidney tissue is collected from a biopsy needle. In this test, local anesthesia is used to reduce the pain that is caused during the procedure. A long thin needle is the biopsy needle that is inserted through your skin into your kidneys. That kidneys tissue is sent to the lab for the testing under the microscope.

Kidney friendly Tips

Your kidneys are the most sensitive organ of your body and need appropriate treatment to cure them if they got damaged. It is an old saying that prevention is better than cure. So here we are going to tell you some kidney-friendly tips for your kidneys.

Go for the routine test - If you are a kidney patient or heart patient, then it is very compulsory for you to go for a routine checkup. These disorders are directly proportional to each other because kidney disease can cause heart disorder and vice-versa.

Eat a balanced diet to keep your kidney healthy - First thing you have to reduce the intake of sodium in your diet. You have to stay away from processed and canned food items. You have to consume fresh fruits and vegetables and foods rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Try to avoid dairy products and red meat (rich in protein). You also have to reduce the intake of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein.

Physical activity - Physical activity is important for your kidneys and health as well. If you are facing high blood pressure, then the physical activity can play to reduce your blood pressure level naturally. But one thing you have to keep in mind that in some cases, heavy physical activities are avoided by the doctor. In that case, you can go for a normal 30 minutes walk that can prove beneficial for your kidneys.

Keep high blood pressure under control - High blood pressure is one of the main causes of having the renal disorder, that's why it is compulsory for you to reduce your blood pressure level. For that purpose, you can control your diet and also avoid sodium-rich products.

Keep your blood sugar well-controlled, if you are a diabetes patient - Diabetes can damage your kidney's nephrons that are responsible for the filtration process perform by your kidneys. Try to reduce your blood glucose level by changing your daily diet and reducing the consumption of glucose.

Add these food items in your diet - Adding the following food items in your daily diet can prove beneficial for your kidneys:

  • Cauliflower
  • Blueberries
  • Sea Bass
  • Red Grapes
  • Egg Whites
  • Garlic
  • Buckwheat
  • Olive Oil
  • Bulgur
  • Cabbage
  • Skinless Chicken
  • Onions
  • Radish
  • Pineapple
  • Cranberries
  • Apples

Apart from these, you can consume apple juice, cranberry juice, and you should avoid dairy products and protein-rich food items like red meat.

Drink plenty of water - drinking water is very fruitful for your kidneys. Everyone needs to drink water as much as they can. If you are a kidney patient, then you have to consult your doctor about how much fluid you should consume. If you drink less water, then there is a chance of having severe dehydration, and if you consume more water, then it may affect your kidneys if you are facing chronic kidney disorder. You have to avoid the consumption of soda as much as you can.

The best Treatment of chronic kidney disease with Ayurveda remedies

If your kidneys are not able to perform their natural functions like filtering of waste and excess fluids from your blood, then there are chances of the development of chronic kidney disorder. At that point, your doctor may recommend you some medicines to control the causes of chronic kidney disease. But when these medicines are not able to control the creatinine level, then they may advise you for dialysis and kidney transplant. Some of the medicines that are prescribed by the doctors are as follows:

High blood pressure medications - People with a kidney disorders may face high blood pressure. They may recommend some medicines to lower down your blood pressure level. High BP medicines can decrease kidney functions and change electrolyte levels. So you may need frequent blood tests to monitor your kidney's condition. They may also suggest you go for a low sodium diet to reduce blood pressure levels.

Medications to lower cholesterol levels - your doctor may prescribe some medicines to lower your creatinine level. People with chronic kidney disorder commonly face high levels of bad cholesterol. Is this health condition is not treated timely, then it can lead to heart disorders.

Medications to treat anemia - Anemia is the condition of your body when they are not able to make enough red blood cells for your body.

Medications to reduce swelling - Swelling is a common symptom of chronic kidney disorder. There may be retention of fluids that can cause kidney disorders.

Medications to protect your bones - In this disorder, there are some chances that your bones get weak. In that condition, your doctor may recommend you some medicines to prevent your bones and lower the risk of bone fracture.

If these medicines are not able to control your creatine level, then you are advised to undergo dialysis and kidney transplant.

Dialysis - It is a procedure in which a machine is acting as artificial kidneys and performs all the functions of your kidneys. There are two types of dialysis, one is Hemodialysis and another is peritoneal dialysis. This procedure is time-consuming and needed to perform at least twice or thrice in a week. If this disorder is not able to revive the functioning of your kidneys, then your doctor may recommend you to go for a kidney transplant.

Kidney transplant - This treatment involves the surgery that replaces the patient's kidneys from the donor's kidneys. Kidneys can be transplanted from deceased or living donors, but this surgery can't be performed without the consent of the donors. You may need to take anti-rejection medicines for the rest of your life to prevent the rejection of the donated organ.

These treatments don't assure the complete treatment of chronic kidney disorder. Apart from Allopathic treatment, you can opt Ayurveda for the therapy of this health condition. Ayurveda is well known for providing a complete cure from chronic diseases. With the help of Ayurvedic treatment, you can eliminate this disorder from its roots.

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